Our Vision
We will never compromise on the things that matter.

Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it?
We live in a world of choice. And choice is a brilliant thing. Choice means individuality, freedom and progress. The very fact that you have options in the first place can only be a good thing.
But what’s even better is when you don’t have to choose. When you can have the best of two seemingly opposing worlds – style and substance, tradition and innovation, more and less. At Senator, we refuse to focus on one thing if it lessens another. We won’t compromise on what matters, because only then can we push what’s possible. For the people we work with, that means you can have your cake and eat it. And sit on our amazing chairs whilst doing so.
We inspire possibilities for people to change the world

We Won’t Stop.
We can’t stop the world from changing, but we can absolutely strive to be in a position to lead when those changes occur. So that’s what we’ll do.
It’s our principles that define us, and enable us to stay consistently strong. What we hold important, what we hope for and what we’re working for are not just nice ideas. Purpose is what powers people and businesses to play their part in building better.
So, we’ll say it again. We don’t compromise on the things that matter. Because we don’t believe our partners and customers should have to compromise on the things that matter to them.