Elevate your space

Height settable is standard with each individual desk capable of a height of 630mm-850mm. The WorkBase cable tray is frame mounted and designed for high capacity cable management. Fully Upholstered Divider Screens are available in 1050mm for height settable and 1250mm for Height Adjustable desks.
Features -
Finishes -
Environmental -

With height adjustability playing an ever increasing role in the modern office, WorkBase offers a comprehensive solution that offers height settable worksurfaces as standard.
Product Overview
The WorkBase family consists of 8 variants
Idea Starter 1
Elevate your Space
- OH: 1050mm
- OW: 1640mm
- OD: 850mm
- DW: 1600mm
- DD: 800mm

Idea Starter 2
Elevate your space.
- OH: 1250mm
- OW: 3240mm
- OD: 850mm
- DW: 1600mm
- DD: 800mm

Idea Starter 3
Elevate your space
- OH: 1050mm
- OW: 3240mm
- OD: 1650mm
- DW: 1600mm
- DD: 800mm

Idea Starter 4
Elevate your space
- OH: 1250mm
- OW: 3240mm
- OD: 2090mm
- DW: 1600mm
- DD: 800mm

Idea Starter 5
Elevate your space
- OH: 1050mm
- OW: 3240mm
- OD: 2090mm
- DW: 1600mm
- DD: 800mm

Idea Starter 6
Elevate your space
- OH: 1050mm
- OW: 4840mm
- OD: 1700mm
- DW: 1600mm
- DD: 800mm

Idea Starter 7
Elevate your space
- OH: 1250mm
- OW: 4840mm
- OD: 1700mm
- DW: 1600mm
- DD: 800mm

Idea Starter 8
Elevate your space
- OH: 1250mm
- OW: 4840mm
- OD: 1700mm
- DW: 1600mm
- DD: 800mm